Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Main university

Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University, Agra is especially privileged to be situated in the city of Taj Mahal. It was established on 1st July 1927 as Agra University.


Ist Semester

C-101- Introduction to Information Technology

Unit I
Information Concepts and Processing: Evolution of information processing, data information language and communication.
Elements of a computer Processing System: Hardware – CPU, storage devices and media, VDU input-output devices, data communication equipment.

Unit -II
Software – System software, application software.
Programming Languages: Classification, machine code, assembly language, higher level languages, fourth generation languages.

Unit -III
Operating Systems: Concept as resource manager and coordinator of processor, devices and memory. Concept of priorities, protection and parallelism. Command interpreter. Typical commands of DOS / UNIX / Network, GUI-Windows.

Unit -IV
Computers and Communication: Single user, multi-user, workstation, client – server systems, Computer networks, network protocols, LAN, WAN, Internet facilities through WWW, Mosaic, Gopher, HTML, elements of Java.

Unit -V
Information Integrity: Definition, Ensuring Integrity, Computer Security – preserve software, concepts and components of security, preventive measures and treatment.
Range of Application: Scientific, business, educational, industrial, national level weather forecasting, remote sensing, planning, and multilingual applications.

Reference: - P.K. Sinha (Computer Fundamental)

Ist Semester

C-102- Digital Electronics

Unit I
Discrete Information, Digital Information, Binary signal, organization, Basic computer structure, Number system, (Binary, Haze Octal binary arithmetic, complements subtraction with 1’s & 2’s complies Binary coded decimal repetition. Expl- 3,2,4,2,1,8,4,-2,-1, legions coding, prairie code, error dictation & correction, reflected codes, hamming distance Eements of logic gates ( AND, NOR. OR gate) .

Unit II
Boolean algebra
Introductuctory postulates of Boolean algebra, logic theorem, dualist, de-Morgan theorem, boolean function, implementation of Boolean function with elements logic gates, minterm, maxterm, standard form, algebraic manipulation, different lines operator ( Ex-OR, NOR etc ) simplification methods, K-Map (4 in 5 variables), logical implementation 4 sin 3 NAND, NOR AND OR, gates, D’nt care condition, deogmatic form a tabulation method.

Unit –III
Combinational logic design .
Digital combination circuit design syndication problem simulation, Half adders ,Full Adder, subtracter , code conversion circuit, multilevel NAND & NOR implementation, circuit analysis conversionof the circuit, EX-OR equivalence Parity generator & checker circuit.

MSI & LSI design
Introduction as circuit design with MSI & LSI, Binary parallel adder, BCD adder, magnitude compartor, Decoder, BCD Decoder, encoders,Use of LSI & MSI for the Boolean function implementation

Sequential Circuit
Introduction as sequential Logic circuits, Synchronous sequential circuit, Flip Flops, (S-N , D, T, 3J-K), edge trigger, Master Slave Flip-Flop, FFS conversion, timing sequential diagram, analysis as sequential circuit, state table, state diagram & state equation, design as sequential circuit, unused stats, self, starter circuit design as count ion, design with state equation, register, parallel loading in registers, implementation of Boolean function with registers, Shift register ,ripple counters, BCD counter, ICS of rioples asynchronous as counters Johnson Counter, ring counter.

Book: Digital logic design by Morris Mano

Ist Semester
C-103 – Programming Concepts Using ‘C’

Unit I
Introduction to Algorithms, Flow charts, C character set, identifiers and keywords, data types, declarations, expressions, statement and symbolic constants, Input Output: getchar, putchar, scanf, printf, gets, puts functions. Preprocessors commands: #include, define, if def. Preparing and running a complete C program.

Unit II
Operators and Expressions: Arithmetic, unary, logical, bit-wise, assignment and conditional operators, library functions, control statements: while, do-while, for statements, nested loops, if-else, switch, break, continue, goto statements, comma operator.

Unit III
Functions: Defining and accessing, passing arguments, function prototypes, recursion, use of library functions, Storage Classes: automatic, external and static variables. Arrays: Defining and processing, passing to a function, multi-dimensional arrays. Strings, operations on strings.

Unit IV
Pointers: Declarations, passing to a function, operations on pointers, pointers and arrays, arrays of pointers.

Unit V
Structures: Defining and processing, processing to a function, unions.
Data Files: Open, close, create, process. Unformatted data files.

Reference:- (i) C-Complete reference by Herbert Scheildt.

Ist Semester
C-104 – Mathematical Foundations

Unit I

Mathematical Logic: Notation, connectives, normal forms, predicate calculus, truth table.

Unit II
Relations and Ordering: Po-set, functions.

Unit III
Algebraic Structure: Group, ring, field, Boolean algebra.

Unit IV
Combinations: Principle of inclusion and exclusion, recurrence relations, generating functions, partition, matrix of 0-1.

Unit V
Graph Theory: Definition, paths and circuits, reachability, connectedness, tree, spanning tree, algorithm for the shortest path, planar and dual graph, matrix representation of graphs.

Ist Semester
C-105 – Introduction to Management Functions
Unit I
HRD: Selection, appraisal, training and information systems.
Unit II
Marketing: Understand the concept of marketing mix. These marketing mix elements consist of product policy and design, pricing, choice of marketing intermediaries, methods of physical distribution, use of personal selling, advertising and sales promotion, marketing research and marketing organization.
Unit III
Finance: Finance function (concept, scope, and its relationship with other functions). Tools of financial analysis (funds and cash flow analysis, ratio analysis, risk-return tradeoff). Financial forecasting (Performa income statement and balance sheet, cash flow forecasting under uncertainty, financial planning). Estimation and management of working capital (operating cycle concept, inventory, account receivables, cash and account payables, working capital requirements).
Unit IV
Manufacturing: Operations, planning and control (aggregate planning, multiple product batch, production cycles, short term scheduling of job shop, setting production rate in continuous production systems, activity scheduling in projects, introduction to project time calculations through PERT/CPM). Management of supply chain, materials management (introduction to materials management, systems and procedures for inventory management planning and procurement of materials). Quality management (quality concept and planning, standardization, quality circles).
Unit V
Strategy: Firm and its environment: strategies and resources: industry structure and analysis; evaluation of corporate strategy; strategies for growth and diversification; process of strategic planning.
Note:- Examiner to select minimum one question from each unit.

IInd Semester

C-201 – Data Structures Using C and C++

Unit I

Data Structure – An Overview, Algorithm, Data Types
Arrays – Ordered Lists, One Dimensional Array, Two Dimensional Arrays, Multi – Dimensional Array, Representation of Array Linked Lists
Introductory Consideration, Operation on linked list; (insertion, deletion….)
Variation on linked list structures: Singly linked lists, Circular linked lists, doubly linked lists.
Unit I I
Queues & Stacks: Introductory Consideration.
Queues: Circular implementation of a queue, Linked list implementation of queue, Priority queues.
Stacks. Array implementation of a stack, Linked list implementation of a stack Postfix, Prefix & Infix notation.
Unit I II

Trees & Graphs: Basic Terminology, Binary tree representation, Traversal, Preorder, Post-order & In-order Traversal.
Unit IV
Introduction to Graphs: Representation.
Unit V
Sorting: Introductory Consideration, Bubble sort, Insertion, Shell sort, Quick sort.
Searching: Binary search, Sequential search, DFS & BFS.

Reference: (i) Data Structure by Schaum Series
(ii) Data Structure by Tanenbaun

IInd Semester
C – 202 Computer Organization and Architecture

Unit I
Principle of Computer design software, hardware interaction layers in computer architecture, Central Processing Unit, Machine Language Instructions, Addressing
Modes, Instruction Types, Instruction Set Selection, Instruction, Cycle and Execution Cycle.

Unit II
Control Unit, Data path and control path design, Microprogramming vs. hardwired control, RISC vs. CISC,
Pipelining in CPU design, Super scalar processors.

Unit III
Memory system, storage technologies, Memory array organization, Memory hierarchy, interleaving, cache and virtual memories and architectural aids to implement these.

Unit IV
Input – output device and characteristics.
Input – output processing, bus interface, data transfer techniques, I/O interrupts, channels.

Unit V
Performance evaluation – SPEC marks, Transaction Processing Benchmarks.

IInd Semester

C – 203 Information Systems: Analysis, Design and Implementation

Unit I
System, information, feedback, raw fact, CBIS, system classification, ARIS model of information system cycle, SDLC, phases of system evaluating, system’s need identification, fact finding, user interview, survey and problem definition for developing a new system.
Unit II
Role of system analyst, system architecture, DBA, system administrators, preparing system’s specification, cost and benefit analysis, cost estimation, different types of procedure applied, system’s feasibility analysis.
Unit III
System design tools, DFD, HIPO, IPO, REVS, SADT chats, data dictionary, I/O design, database design, form, file, memo and worksheet design, system’s layout design, screen design, menu and icon design, code design and system’s interface design, detailed design.
Unit IV
System’s implementation, procedure and function development, logic and technical writing, system coding, installation routine, login and log-out routine., pilot, parallel and phase method of implementation, system comparison and testing, test plan, alpha and beta testing, component testing, system testing, user testing.
Unit V
System’s documentation, user manual preparation, system’s maintenance, modification and up gradation of existing system, system’s reliability measure, OO procedure of system development, object oriented platforms, object oriented OS and data base, encapsulation , polymorphism, and inheritance in system development procedures. Software benchmarking, marketing management, software crisis, CRM model of system manufacturing, ISO standards, system’s security ethics.

IInd Semester

C – 204 Operating System
Unit I
Introduction: Evolution of operating system. Types of operating systems. Different views of the operating system, operating system concepts system structure Interruption & Interrupt service routine, I/O operation dual node of operation memory hierarchy DMA, protection, system call, command interpreter. .
Unit II

Processes: The Processes concept, systems programmer’s view of processes. The operating system, services for process management. Scheduling algorithms. Performance evaluation.
Unit III

Memory Management: Memory management without swapping or paging, swapping, virtual memory, page replacement algorithms, modeling paging algorithms, design issue for paging systems, segmentations.
Unit IV

Inter Process Communication and Synchronization, The need for inter process synchronization, mutual exclusion, queering implementation of semaphores, classical problems in concurrent programming, critical region and conditional critical region, monitors, messages, Deadlocks.
Unit V

File Systems: File systems, directories, and file system implementation, security protection mechanisms. Input /Output: Principles of I/O Hardware: I/O devices, devices controllers, direct memory access. Principles of I/O Software: Goals, interrupt handlers, device controllers, direct memory access.

Disks: Disk Hardware, scheduling algorithms, trace – at – a – time caching, RAM Disks.
Case Studies: MS DOS, MS WINDOWS, Linux (UNIX) operating system.
Books:1. Operating System. By Peterson, PHI
2. Operating System. By Donavan, BPB

IInd Semester

C – 205 Computational Numerical Analysis
Unit I

Algebraic & Transcendental Equations: Bisection, iteration, regular – falsi, Newton – Raphson method, solution of system of non-liner equations.
Unit II

Interpolation: with equal and unequal intervals, central differences, Hermite and Cubic spline interpolation.
Unit III

Curve Fitting: Least square Method, Chebishey Polynomials.
Numerical differentiation and integration – Trapezoidal, Simpson’s and Romberg integration.
Unit IV

Numerical Solutions of Ordinary Differential Equations: Picard, Runge – Kutta, Predicator – corrector method.
Unit V

Solutions of simultaneous liner equations: Jecobi, Sield iterative method Gauss Sepal.
Matrix: Inversion, eigen values and eigen vectors.

Student should know the C-programs based on all the above.
Books: 1.Computer Oriented Numerical Methods by V. RajaRaman
2. Numerical Analysis and Algorithm by Pradeep Niyogi

IIIrd Semester

C-301 Data Base Management Systems
Unit I

Basic Concepts: Database and database users, Database Systems Concepts & Architecture, Data Modeling using the Entity Relationship Model, Record Storage & Primary File Organizations.
Unit II
Relational Model, Languages & Systems. The Relational Data Model, Relational Constraints and the Relational Algebra, SQL – The relational Database Standard.
Unit III
Data base Design Theory and Methodology Functional Dependencies and Normalization for Relational Databases, Relational Database Design Algorithms and Further Dependencies.
System Implementation Techniques
Unit IV
Database System Architecture and the System Catalog, Transaction Processing Concepts (Introduction to Transaction Processing, Transaction & System Concepts) Con-Currency Control Techniques (Locking Techniques for Con-currency Control, Con-Currency Control Bases on Time Stamp Ordering) Database Recovery Techniques (Recovery Concepts) Database Security and Authorization (Introduction to Data Base Security Issues)
Unit V
Advanced Data Base Concepts & Emerging Application
Distributed Databases and Client server Architecture, Data Ware housing and Data mining, Emerging Database Technologies and Application
Reference Books
1. “Fundamental of Database System” by “Elmasri Navathe”, 4th Edition, First Indian Reprint, (2004), Published by “Perarson Education”.
2. “Database System Concepts” by “Silberschatz, Korth, Sudarshan”, 4th Edition, Fourth Edition, International Edition (2002), Published by “McGraw – Hill Publication”.

IIIrd Semester
C- 302 Computer Communication Networks


Introduction to computer Network, Distributed System Advantages of Networks, Point to Point and Multi-drop Circuits. Network Topologies-Star, Ring, Bus, Mesh, Tree, Synchronous and Asynchronous transmission. Serial and Parallel Transmission simplex Half duplex, full duplex transmission modes.
Wide area Networks, Local Area Networks, Multiplexing Time Division Multiple Access, Time Division Multiplexing, (TDM). Frequency Division Multiplexing (FDM) Connection-Oriented and Connection-less Networks. Goals of Layered Protocols, Communication between Layers Introduction to the OSI reference Model Data transmission in the OSI Model.
LANs , Primary attributes of LANs. Broad band and base band LANS. LAN topologies and Protocols CSMA/CD, Token Ring, Token Bus Metropolitan Area Networks & ANSI (FDDI) Fiber Distributed Data Interface Aloha protocol- pure and slotted.
Switching, Message Switching , Circuit Switching, Packet Switching. Routing – Centralized routing, Distributed routing, static routing, Adaptive routing. Signals :- Analog and digital Signals Bit rate and baud rate.
Polling and Selection Protocols: -The meaning of polling Solution Protocols Character and Bit Oriented Protocols Binary Synchronous High Level Data Link Control (HDLC). HDLC frame format code transparency and synchronization. Sliding Window Protocol Frame format , Go-back –n - protocol selective repeat protocol.
TCP / IP and Internet working concept of ports and sockets IP address structure Major features of IP. IP data gram major IP services TCP Major features of TCP. TCP segment UDP (User data gram protocol). Application Layer protocol –Telnet, TFTP, FTP
Reference Books
1. Computer Network by – Tanenbaum
2. Computer Network by _ Frozen

IIIrd Semester

C-303 Theory of Computation

Conceptual model of a computer machine, digital and analog automata, theory of automata, Numerical Computation and automata. Language and aiphabets of the automata, finite and non-finite automata.
Classification of automation, man, machines and automata, language accepted by automata, deterministic automata, theories and axioms of DFA. Conversion of DFA to NDFA and vice-versa.
Regular and non regular grammar, DFA and regular expressions accepted by DFA, Arden’s theorems, Pumping Lemma of regular grammar, problems and practices based on pumping lemma.
Context free grammar, Chomskey’s hierarchies of different types of grammars, derivation tree, yield, left and right derivation trees, ambiguous grammar, normalization of grammar, null removal, unit production removal and optimization of CFG,BNF,CNF & GNF, pumping lemma of context free grammar.
Push down memory automation, multiple stack automation, LBA and language accepted by LBA, Turing machine, designing and construction of Turing machine.
Reference Books-
1. theory of Computation, by KLP Mishra.

IIIrd Semester

C- 304 Internet & Web Technology

History of the Web, growth of the web, protocols governing the web, web application, creating web sites for individual and corporate world internet, www, browses.

Planning and developing a web site, contents of a web site, Technology and production planning, communication issues communication with client, communication breakdowns quality assurance and Testing Study of Technology Advances.

Introduction to Java Language: Program structure, tokens, statements, JVM, constants, variables, data types, operators and expressions, decision making, branching, looping. Classes: Defining java class, objects, methods, constructors, method overloading, and static members. Inheritance: Extending class, levels of inheritance, overriding methods, abstract classes, Arrays, Strings, Vectors, Interfaces: Multiple Inheritance.

Packages: Introduction, system packages, new packages. Multithreaded Programming: Introduction to Threads, Multiple threads. Exception Handling. Error handling. Vectors
Applet Programming: Introduction, Images, drawing.Acknowledge window tool (AWT)
Reference Books-
1. Mastering java 2 (BPB Publications)
2. HTML by Ivan Byross (BPB Pulications)

IIIrd Semester

C-305 Optimization Techniques

Linear Programming Graphical method for two dimensional problems central problems of linear programming various definitions- statements of basic theorems and properties – phase I and Phase II of the Simplex method – revised simplex method – primal and dual – dual simplex method – sensitivity analysis – transportation problem and its solution – assignment problem and its solution by Hungarian method.

Integer Programming: Gomory cutting plane methods – Branch and Bound methods.
Queuing Theory: Characteristics of queuing systems – steady state M/M/1, M/M1/K and M/M/C queuing models. UNIT – III
Replacement Theory: Replacement Theory of items the deteriorate – replacement of items that fail. Group replacement and individual replacement.
Inventory theory: Costs involved in inventory problems-single item deterministic models-economic lot size models without shortages and shortage having production rate infinite and finite.
Arrow networks – time estimates – earliest expected time, latest allowable occurrence time and slack – critical path – probability of meeting scheduled date of completion of project – calculations on CPM network- various floats for activities – critical path updating project operation time cost trade off curve project time cost trade off curve selection of schedule based on cost analysis.

Reference Books-
1. Operation Research by Kantiswroop.

IVth Semester

C-401 Software Engineering

Introduction to software, software projects, software engineering, planning of a software project, software category, characteristics of software, software quality metrics and standards, manufacturing of software.
Software development life cycle, milestones, software development process, models of software manufacturing, developer’s team, software project control, MBO, software baseline configuration, WIP, time-graph, job assignment and scheduling, software cost estimates, evaluation techniques, relevant software metrics.
Prototype and spiral models, evaluation of SRS, refinement of SRS, quality of a good SRS, sketch of a typical SRS, preparing SRS for different types of applicatory systems, tracing & testing SRS, SRS review.
Conversion of software design from SRS, Software design document, software architecting, Designing tools, data dictionary, DFD, decision tree, Petri-nets, structured English, primary design, detailed, OO software design, software design measures, modularization criteria, software design review.
Software code development, coding style, programming, programming constraints, software size metrics, code compilation, software complexity, debugging, error analysis and code inspection, code review document, software code verification and validation. Software testing, error and fault finding, reliability measures, different testing methods, integrated testing and acceptance test, test criteria, testing strategies, testing, psychology, regression testing, software maintenance, user training, software installation, documentation, performance reporting and software marketing.

IVth Semester

C-402 Distributed Data Base Management System.

features of Distributed versus extralegal data based why distributed data bases ?, Levels of Distributed Transpovry , Reference Archilih of distributed Data Base, Types of Data Fragmentation.
Distributed Data Base Design, Fragmentation for distribution Data Base Design, Allocation of Fragmentation Translation of global queries Rragmentation Query , Equivalence Transformation for queries.
Optimization of Access Strategies Framewou for Query Optimization, Join Queries, General Queries.
Concurrency Control, foundation of Distributed Concurrency Control, Distribution base lock, Concurrency Control Based on Time stag
Reliability, Basic Concept, Name-bloclry Committee protocols, Reliability and Concurrency Control Distributed Data Base Administration, Catalog Management, Authorization and protection .

Reference Books- Distributed Data Bases “ Principles +System
Sidgaro Ceri + Giureppe Pelagth

IVth Semester

C-403 Data Mining & Warehousing
Dss-Uses, definition, Operational Database. Introduction to DATA Warehousing. Data-Mart, Concept of Data-Warehousing, Multi Dimensional Database Structures. Client/Server Computing Model & Data Warehousing. Parallel Proessors & Cluster Systems. Distributed DBMS implementations.

DATA Warehousing Data Warehousing Components. Building Data Warehouse. Warehouse Database. Mapping the Data Warehuse To a Multiprocessor Architecture. DBMS Schemas for Decision Support.Data Extraction, Cleanup & Transformation Tools. Metadata.
Business Analysis. Reporting & Query Tools & Application. On line Analytical Processing (OLAP) Patterns Models. Statistics Artificial Intelligence.
Knowledge Discovery, Data Mining. Introduction to Data- Maining. Techniques of Data-Maing. Decision Tress. Neural Networks. Nearest Neighbor & Clustering. Genetic Algorithms. Rule Introduction. Selecting & Using the Right Technique.
Multimedia Data-Mining, Multimedia-Databases, Mining Multimedia Data, Data – Mining and the World Wide Web, Web Data- Mining and Meta- Data. Data Visualization & Overall Perspective Data Visualization. Applications of Data-Mining.

1. Berson, “Data Warehousing, Data- Mining & OLAP”, TMH
2. Mallach, “ Decision Support and data Warehousing System”, TMH.
3. Bhavani Thura –is-ingham, “Data-Mining Tech ologis, Techniques Tools &Trends”, CRC Press
4. Navathe, “Fundamental of Database System”, Pearson Education.
5. Margaret H. Dunham, “Data Mining Introductory & Advanced Topics”, Pearson Education.
6. Pieter Adriaans, Dolf Zantinge, “Data-Mining”, Pearson Education.
7. Prof. A.K. Pujari, “Data mining and Data Warehousing”.

IVth Semester

C – 404 Artificial Intelligence

Introduction as problem domain of A.I
General issues in AI, problem domain as A.I , A.I. techniques, AI tashas, gave playing, theorem proving, robotics, Reception a speed recognition, NLP s Expert system, creating as success, level as modeling, state space representation problem disruption.
Search space:
Problem state, state space water jug problem, 8-huazzle problem traveling salesman problem, production system, control station Bxadth first search, depth first search, iterative dealing problem characteristic commutation production system, Hearrne A* *, problem Reduction And-OR graphs graphical algorithm, constraint satisfaction, gave playing, minmax search procedure as alrha Beta cottages.

Unit -III
Knowledge representation
Issues in knowledge representation charities as the knowledge as knowledge representation model, representation mapping, Issues, various kind of knowledge representation models first order predicate logic, its properties, representation each in wff, application as predicate logic in A.I backward reasoning method, resolution, rules as ________ models, in proportions as operation fuzzy seathm, fuzzy rules a fuzzy Intelligence\

IVth Semester

C – 405 Analysis and Design of Algorithms


Review of Data Structures:
Linked list, Stack, Queue, Binary tree etc.Divide and conquer method:
Binary search and its time complexity. Quick sort, Merge sort, Harp sort. Introduction:Analysis of algorithms, asymptotic behavior of algorithms, asymptotic notations (Big oh, Big omega and Big Tmta Notations), time and space complexities of algorithms. Average and worst case analysis of algorithms. Finding Asymptotic Complexities.
Greedy Method:
General Method, Knapsack Problem spanning trees: primes algorithms, kruskal’s algorithms, Sollin’s algorithms, Optimal Storage on tapes. Huffman codes.
Dynamics programming:
General method, Matrix Multiplication. Single source shortest path algorithms (Diskastra’s algorithm).
Basic search and Traversal Techniques:
Techniques for Binary trees, Depth first search Breadth First search. Adjacency matrix and list representation of graphs. Biconnected components.
Advanced data Structures:
Binary search tree Red Black Tree: Insertion and Deletion on Binary search tree and Red black tree, B – tree, Basic operation on B – tree. Binominal Heaps and Binominal trees.
NP – Completeness:
Basic concepts, Polynomial time, Abstract problem, Encoding, Formal – language frame, polynomial time verification. The complexity class NP. NP – Completeness and permeability. Hermit domain cycles.
Reference Books-

Vth Semester

C-501: Computer Graphics
1.Application Of Interactive Computer Graphics (ICG) :
a)In modern world e.g. Education and training ,entertainment ,presentation graphics, CAD for architecture ,mech.Engg ,Aeronautical and automobile.
b)Simulation and animation of video games.
c)Image processing and it’s application.
2.Graphics Devices:
:(I/O) Input devices –5 types of logical devices
a)Digitising tablets , 3-types (Electromagnetic , acoustic , electrical ).
b)Mouse , (Mechanical . & Optical), trackball ,data gloves , light pen.
c)Touch Panel ,(optical , capacitive & conic type ).
d)Image scanners -types, resolution , size ,output format available.

:Output Devices.
a)Raster Scan Display ,refresh CRT ,gray shades ,lookup table ,
b) RGB Color Monitor, Shadow mask LUT.
c)Flat panel display ,plasma display.
d)VGA and SVGA resolutions.
3.Drawing Geometry:
a)Line drawing simple algorithm.
Line drawing Bresenhem algo.
b)Bresenhem algo for circles.
* c)Bresenhem algo for ellipse.
Use of homogeneous co-ordinate System.
d)2-D transformations. Homogeneous co-ordinate system,
translation ,rotation. scaling ,mirror reflection.
e)Rotation about arbitrary point.
f)Zooming and panning.
* g)Rubber Band methods.
h)Parametric representation of 3-D lines.
4.Graphics Operations:
Concept of window and concept of view port, 2-D Sutherland Cohen algo
Clipping a straight line against a rectangular window,Sutherland Cohen
algo in 3-D)
* Mid point. Subdivision algo.
* Stack based and Queue based.
Scan line seed fill algo.
Generation of bar chart.
Generation of pie chart.
Character generation.

5. Conics and Curves:
* a) C0, C1, C2 continuity property.
* b) Convex hull property.
* c) Parametric representation to cubic curves
4 point. & 5 point.Beizer curve using Berstein polynomials;
B-Spline curves ,Condition of smooth joining of curves.

a) 3-D Graphics.
3-D Transformations.
Translation ,Scaling ,Rotation
Rotation about arbitrary point.
b) Projections
Parallel projection Multi view ,front ,top ,side view,
Oblique view-projection on x-y plane.
Perspective projection (various cases). Center of Projection lying on Z – axis.
Center of Projection at point(a b c) and view plane is any general plane etc.
Translation matrix to yield one vanishing point perspective view, Computing vanishing point.
Effect of translating object.


7. * Fractals :Self Similar fractals.
* Random mid pt. Displacement.
* Self squaring fractals.
* Koch curve , Snow flakes

c) *Hidden surface removal.
*Back face removal..
*Z–buffer , A–buffer method.
In-between viewing using rotation and translation.
8. Animation:

Tweeking , Morphing
Motion controlled by Key framing
9.Graphics Standards:

GKS , MS-Windows , Auto-Cad.
10 .Mutimedia:
a)Concept of hyper text / hypermedia.
b)Application of Multimedia (Education ,Video Conferencing , training
and entertainment ,electronic encyclopedia.)
c)Multimedia hardware – WORM optical drivers ,Video cameras ,
Scanners , MIDI.
d)Image , Bitmaps , Windows paint brush

Books: 1.: Computer Graphics by Hearn and Baker
2. : Computer Graphics by Foley

Vth Semester

C – 502 Compiler Design
Unit- I
Compiler and translator, Structure of Compiler, Lexical Analysis, Syntax Analysis, Bootstrapping, Cross Handily Compiler Unitity Tools.

Unit- II
The Role of Lexical analysis, regular Information, finile Automate, Implantation at a Lexical Analysis, control free sammer, Derivation 4 parse Tree.
Unit- III
Parse Shift Reduce parsing, Top Down Parsing, Predictive Parsing, L R Parsing symbol Table, context and Data Symbol Table
Unit- IV
Principle Sources of optimization, Loup Optimization, DAG, Base Blocte, Diminator, Redecible flous graph loop in vanient computation

Unit- V
Code Optimization:
Principal source of optimization, Loop optimization, DAG. DAG representation of Basic Blocks. Domains Reducible flow graphs.
Code Generation:
Object program, Problems in Code generation, Machine Model, Register allocation and assignment.

Vth Semester

C – 503 Mobile Computing

Unit –I
Issues in Mobile Computing, Wireless Telephony, Communication and Portability Cullular Standards, Bluetooth Technology, Wireless Multiple Access Protocols, Channel Allocation in Cellular Systems.

Unit –II
Data Management Issues : Mobility, Wireless Communication and Portability, Data Replication and Replication Schemes, Basic Concept of Multihopping, Adaptive Clustering for Mobile Network, Multicluster Architecture

Unit –III

Location Management, Location based Services, Automatically Locating Mobile Uses, Locating and Organizing Services, Issues and Future Directions, Mobile IP, Comparison of TCP and Wireless.

Unit –IV

Transaction Management, Data Dissemination, Cache consistency, Mobile Transaction Processing, Mobile Database Research Directions, Security Fault Tolerance For Mobile N/W.

Unit –V

What is Ad-hoc Network ?, Problems with Message Routing in Wireless Ad-hoc Mobile Networks, Routing scheme based on signal strength, Dynamic state Routing (DSR), Route Maintenance and Routing error, Fisheye Routing (FSR), Ad-hoc on Demand Distance Distance Vector (ADDV)

Reference :
1. Shambhu Upadhyaya, Abhijeet Chaudhary, Kevin Kwat, Mark Weises, “Mobile Computing Kluwer Academic Publishers.
2. UWE Hansmann, Lothar Merk, Martin-S- Nickious, Thomas Stohe, “Principles of Mobile Computing”, Springer International Edition

Vth Semester

C – 504 Artificial Neural Networks
Unit- I
Introduction: Applications of Neural Networks, Pattern and data, Characteristics of Neural Networks, Comparison with human brain, Artificial Neural network terminology, Learning in Machines, Pattern recognition tasks.
Unit- II
Basic Neuron: Modeling the neuron, Learning in simple neurons, Limitations, Basic Learning Laws, Multi-layer Models.
Artificial Neural Network
Y. Yegnarayana, PHI publication
Unit- III
Activation and Synaptic Dynamics: Activation dynamic models, dynamic models, stability and convergence, recall in neural networks.
Unit- IV
Feed forward neural networks: Introduction to feed-forward neural networks, analysis of pattern classification networks.
Analysis of Pattern Mapping Networks: Back propagation algorithm, Kohonen Self Organization Networks.
Unit- V
Feedback Neural Networks: Introduction of Pattern storage network – Hopfield model, Stochastic networks and simulated annealing, Boltzmann machine learning law.
Architecture of artificial neural network for complex pattern recognition tasks, associative memory, pattern mapping, ART, Temporal patterns.

Vth Semester

C-505 Digital Image Processing
Unit- I
Image digital representation, elements of visual perception, sampling and quantisation. Image processing system elements.
Unit- II
Fourier transforms: Extension to 2D, DCT, Walsh, Hadamard transforms.
Unit- III
Enhancement and segmentation: Histogram modification, smoothing, sharpening, thresholding, edge detection, segmentation, and point and region dependent techniques.
Unit- IV
Image encoding: Fidelity criteria, Transform compression, KL, Fourier, DCT, Spatial compression, Run length coding, Huffman and counter coding.
Unit- V

Restoration: Models, Inverse filtering.
Reference Books-
1. DIP by Gonsalez
2. DIP by Anil kr. jain

special thanks by java Programmer Ankur Tyagi